Friday, February 4, 2011

The past two weeks

During the past two weeks, I haven't done much of anything band related mainly because I need to hang out with my grandparents and never had a chance to. I also found out that I may be getting a new guitar soon, it's a Schecter Hellraiser ( I hope I get this guitar for it would give me the sound I've been needing, I'm also hoping for a Peavey 6505 Plus in the future ( to also get the sound I need.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Entry 1

I'm currently in a band at the moment and we play Metalcore. The members are: Me (mainly melody), Kyle (drums), Henry (mainly harmony), Dexter(bass), Daniel (vocals) and Lavinia (keys). We made this band at first to be a cover band for school assemblies but, we decided to make our own material and take the band thing outside of school. From what we heard, most of the local band aren't that great so, I'm pretty sure that we may make it.